not enough to amaze me how some musicians are able to be absolutely thrilling and exciting live, compared to affected certain flatness immortalized in their records, and, conversely, how others are decidedly expressive and incisive in sound recordings, and then prove ineffective and disappointing in live performance.
David Eugene Edwards , aka Wovenhand or Woven Hand if you prefer, unfortunately, is the sssècònda-than-you-said. To my unexpected disappointment.
Opening the concert will take care of the duo of percussionist and multi-instrumentalist greek Loukas Metaxas accompanying Wovenhand throughout their tour of Europe, including Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and the Netherlands.
Loukas and appearance, playing a modern pound, have a face like a naughty gnomes in the Balkans, and smell of feta pies moussaka and perform litanies in neniose and lackluster, the taste of cucumbers and kalamata olives, anticipating what will be the leit-motif of the whole evening: music mantra.
feature that, in the latter, assumed a more Arab-Mediterranean while, David Eugene Edwards and his companions, is tinged with blues and native Indian music (from Ammmèriga, of course). The
Wovenhand, in addition to leading DEE, counting the keyboardist Jeff Linsenmeir, Garrison Ordy drummer and bassist Pascal Humbert-borrowed from the project in the same primitive Edwards, 16horsepower - and promote their latest recording effort The Treshingfloor out Sounds to Familyre (U.S.) Glitterhouse Rec (UK & Europe).
DEE shaman is a man possessed, he repeats his prayers sung, screwed up eyes and careless of the public, pulling the feet of the Outlines kicks sudden the evil spirits that dance around the pulpit of his chair. A little ' Johnny Cash, a little' and a little Nick Cave ' Jim Morrison, but, while the latter was the preacher of revolution and transgression, DEE is a Christian preacher exalted in rural America and right-thinking Colorado.
The songs slip away a bit 'all the same, lysergic, Mantric, haunting, hypnotic, and let's face it, even slightly boring. The musicians are good but distracted, everyone got out of his trance and staff recently amalgamated with the rest of the components.
slide completely into disarray when the greek duo joins the quartet to Denver for a couple of pieces, in a sort Taranta meets the songs of the Apache.
The only flashes of vitality and dynamics I can hear only the last two songs during the encore, Whistling girl and Winter shaker, as if, magically, using a bit 'of energy and some' healthy old rock , we managed to shake the solemn litany of sermons so far pronounced.
bad. I'm very disappointed and orphan all the beautiful emotions that I felt listening to their records, the birds Consider first of all.
Besides, I had not noticed that Dee wears a watch on his left wrist.
And never trust a shaman wearing a watch.