the Cathedral of Managua
March 7 to 11
I am arrived in Managua! The Europe trip was long but smooth. Pass the first two days to adjust the material with the help of Carmen and everything goes well. I am also invited by a local TV station to talk about Magnetism: a practical magnetic healing live, in two minutes by removing the sore shoulder of a valley transmission (Porcapupazza, pictures I have lost due to a computer crash, but soon I hope to put here on video).
Thursday, March 10 start dancing, and I have a two-day seminar of magnetism in Managua. E 'organized by the Cooperative Tininiska and hosted by UCA find my Nicaraguan students is always a great joy: they are cheerful, generous and motivated.
This time course of Magnetism has something new: I realized that I can not deal with all requests for seminars in Latin America, as of now so I have to train local instructors in the future to take my place, or however, I help teach the Magnetism in Central America (for now I think Magnetism only because the Radionics requires a longer training loooong!). Several people have followed my past course of Managua, and in recent months have been applied with great enthusiasm, so I feel duty-bound to include them in the Body Insenganti (which for now has only one element: me!).
Rafael Carmen and I therefore ask you to give me a hand as of now (and I suggest to friends of the Cooperative Tininiska in the near future to arrange a meeting with all instructors potential of magnets to decide what to do).
Carmen Magnetism explains to new students
Rafael runs a meditation while I play the shaman's drum
In seminars attended the usual route: the first thing I teach students how to achieve Alpha and Theta state and how grounded and centered, then I carry them to the wonderful years of magnetization of Apollonius / Servranx ...
Apollonius Exercises (1)
2 years Apollonius
explains well how to measure the aura with some dowsing and how to transform everyday objects into instruments of power, able to magnetize and cure.
measurement with the aura Cameron Aurameter
Explanations in my English-Esperanto Romanesco
Launch Chi Balls to Alenka with the slingshot
I then teach the various techniques of magnetization in contact: "double tripod" "applications", the "Hanshaking", etc.. etc..
The "double tripod"
Pass and then to treatment with the shamanic drum, singing magnetic ...
Leonor magnetizing the drum ...
Healing Chant Magnetic
... and complete the course a little Pebbles Busby preparing and teaching the Techichi -base by Raymon Grace.
Preparing Pebbles Busby
Yalan working with the techniques of Raymon Grace
At the end everything ends in the best way, and go home happy, cleansed and magnetized ... :-)))!
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