Friday, October 29, 2010

How Does Blue Light Teeth Whitening Work

A Cerro Quema " Jolon Bay

sanacion for the wife of Cesar Maya priest Sactic

October 25

In all sleep at the home of Cesar a couple of nights. During the day we go to celebrate rituals in sacred places to the Maya, but early in the morning and evening were spent with his family.

This allows me to make several nice things: cooking pasta with a bonnet pepper sauce for all this gang of young and old (he likes a lot), make a couple of sessions of magnetism on the hostess (who suffers arthritis) and, last but not least , begin my friend Maya art of curandero sanacion with copper rod and crystal (that means he did not know).

Things go like this: Cesar shows me a series of hyaline quartz, which preserves with great care. I then do the wheel like a peacock and I pull out my wand of copper and crystal.

the copper rod and crystal

Cesar falls in love immediately of my wand, and I can not help but give him : in front of a lot of enthusiasm can not resist ...

My friend has thick stomach. Then I explain how to use the wand for a self- sanacion .

self- sanacion the curandero Cesar with the copper rod and crystal

first phase: the curandero pass the baton on the heel of the affected area, making wide circles of the counter-clockwise to extract the energy is not beneficial

second phase: the curandero passes the tip of the stick on the affected area, making the large clockwise circles , to deliver the same energy healing wand

Result: the thick of Cesar pass in an instant and he literally is excited about his new "toy" :-)!

I then asks "what to think" when performing sanacion es with this wand.

I take the face of measuring brain wave frequencies and the Pendulum. Text my friend curandero while talking: his brain emits 13 pulses per second, is the border between the Alpha and Beta status. I ask, then, to close their eyes and say a prayer Maya, one that uses in his rituals. Result: In a moment my friend's brain frequencies curandero down to 8 pulses per second, on the border between Alpha and Theta.

Excellent! That's the mental state that the ancient shamans called the Land of the curandero , while the Beta was for them was in the Land of the Dead .

Protocol tailor-made for sanacion es Cesar with the copper rod and crystal is good and ready: first says a prayer asking its Mayan spirits making the sanacion. done this (or, better yet, while doing this) , works the affected area, first with the heel of the stick in a counter-clockwise, then with the tip in a clockwise direction.


am very happy I gave one of my instruments of healing in an excellent curandero Maya and he immediately set to work perfectly the first time ... The
nglobandolo, then, in its ancient culture, I am sure that will get plenty of hits. CHEERS!!

the morning of October 25 Cesar leads me to San Juan, where, on top of a hill called "Jolon Bay and surrounded by woods, there is a chapel dedicated to Maximon, operated by the Consejo local.

license plate of the Cerro "Jolon Bay." It 's a place of worship ancient Maya, protected from government

the small chapel of Maximon / San Simon of Cerro "Jolon Bay (San Juan)

the statue of San Simon placed in the window

a detail of the chapel

Several people are celebrating the ceremonies in honor of Maximon. The atmosphere of the forest is radiant and full of energy. Here's the Spirits of Nature can work in peace without being harassed by the man and his modern rhythms.

a faithful Maya celebrated his rite

Cesar Maximon honors in the chapel, then choose a place to make your Quema He chooses to place under a canopy in front a large stone cross.

the place of our Quema

The ceremony has a purpose similar to that of the cave Quema Nimalaji : open my path and improve my skills as a healer.

Cesar prepares Quema

the Quema ready

the ceremony begins

the sacred fire

the Maya priest celebrates the ritual


prayers to After the ceremony

After the Quema, let us again Maximon homage to the chapel and return home. There

stuck in a tiny bus. Judging from the height of its interior was originally to be a bus for the children of asylum USA, sold in Guatemala by the Yankees before he breathed his last breath. The trip is a real torture, I feel like a sardine in the tin ...

here is a detail of this original instrument of torture ...

At home we have lunch and rest. Then I pay a friend of Cesar with his truck that brings me directly to Itzapa San Andrés, where in the coming days to attend Fiesta in honor of San Simon.

I stay with Cesar and his family for a couples of nights. We are away most of the day, but early in the morning and in the evening I can still spend some time with his wife and children.

I do some hands-on healing on the lady and prepare a real Italian pasta for everybody (they like it the most!).

I give my copper and crystal healing wand to Cesar. I explain how to use it, and he catches it immediately. He actually does some self-healing with it and in no time gets rid of a pain in the stomach !

Cesar asks me what he should "think" when he uses the healing wand. While he talks I take my pendulum and dowse his brain frequencies: 13 per second, just between Beta and Alpha. I ask him to close his eyes and recite one of his Mayan prayers: his brain frequencies go immediately down to 8 per second, between Alpha and Theta. These are the ideal frequencies for healing! So, to use the wand in the best possible way, he just needs to do what he has always done: recite a Mayan prayer...

On Monday morning we go and visit a shrine of Maximon in San Juan, over the "Jolon Bay" hill, in the middle of the woods. Cesar finds a good spot and celebrates another "quema" ritual for me. The place is great and the energy just wonderful. Surely the Spirits of Nature do a splendid job here, far from the noise of the city.

When we are done, we go back to Cesar's house. In the afternoon I hire a taxi and go to San Andrés Itzapa, for the Maximon's birthday party!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pennsylvania License Security Features

ceremony in the cave Nimalaji

Lake Atitlan as seen from the cave Nimalaji

October 24

After the party at the home of Rosa, I ran into the hotel together with Cesar, Pigio all my things inside the backpack, I greet the hoteliers and childbirth. Cesar takes me to his house in Santiago Sacatepéquez. We arrived early enough, because the bus passes right away.

Cesar on the doorstep

Cesar lives with his wife and six children in a house very simple, without many comfort but with a spectacular garden. I have dinner and I prepared the bed.

we wake up at five in the morning to visit the cave Nimalaji (name of an ancient Maya site magic, is pronounced something like "nimahai" and means "great house"). In this place is venerated Maximon / San Simon. Some say that the syncretic cult of St. Simon has been started right here!

The journey is more than two hours, strictly carried out with the local bus sgangheratissimi. We arrive in Los Encuentros, and change to Sololá.

the city of Sololá

Another bus, and we are in San Jorge la Laguna. We walk toward the cave.

Cesar brings the heavy box with the material for the ceremony

go down a path very steeply through the woods, when I get to Lake Atitlan in all its glory!

Lake Atitlán

Maya Two beautiful children have joined us: the boy brings up the box and takes us with her little sister a smile (he wants to carry my backpack, but I do not have the courage to charge the little one!). We arrive at the cave.

The entrance of

Nimalaji is considered a sacred place. E 'assets protected by the state of the Mayan culture. Since time immemorial (perhaps thousands of years) the Mayan priests are here to celebrate their rituals. It is not a tourist site in no way whatsoever. And it is also dangerous, because in its vicinity is in danger of being assaulted and robbed by bandits.

We enter the cave and I remain amazed by the energy that dwells there ...

the inside of the cave (1)

the inside of the cave (2)

The ground is covered with the ashes of countless quemas (some are still smoking) and there are some lighted candles. In the cave we do not find anyone, but it is clear that here last night of the Mayan priests celebrated their rituals. The walls are encrusted with time and I do not know how many layers of soot, the residue of thousands of years of sacrificial fires ...

Some of the crosses of reinforced concrete (half broken) mark some places on the site. They give him a vaguely from the cemetery, but I know no one here is not buried.

snap some pictures and I remain puzzled, contrary to what you see with the naked eye, appearing in the images of the kind of transparent bubbles. One thing I had never happened, and Cesar tells me that those are manifestaciónes espirituales , or of spirits. I do not know what to think, but actually documentaries dedicated to ghostbusters (the "ghost hunters") the appearance of bubbles of the kind in photos and movies are judged as a manifestation of spiritual entities.

manifestaciónes espirituales in the cave (1)

manifestaciónes espirituales in the cave (2)

manifestaciónes espirituales cave (3)

Cesar opened the box begins to prepare the Quema . The two children helped him happy: I got the first five quetzal head, is at its height of joy and want to do as assistants to the priest Maya.

The preparation of the ceremony

the sacrificial fire is ready

The fire is lit and the ceremony begins. Taking pictures and I am increasingly amazed: one can see the flames of the figures of men and animals ...

flames with the face of a bearded man

flames with horse head

Cesar, reciting and offering prayers to Maximon puros candles and fire, carries out the ceremony with great skill and concentration.

Cesar say the invocations Maya to Maximon

participate with attention and concern. The purpose of this ceremony is to open my way and improve my ability to channel healing energies. As the ritual goes on I feel that something important happens ...

participate in the ritual, and other photos appear manifestaciónes espirituales

The ceremony comes to an end ...

final prayer

We leave the cave and we were walking in the woods, to a magical site where there is another altar Maximon.

Maximon altar in the woods

Back in San Jorge la Laguna, and go to visit the "Cofradia" of Maximon . Here the statue of the saint is enclosed in a glass case.

Cofradia the altar of St. Simon of San Jorge

Maximon of the statue of San Jorge

We offer candles, aguardiente and a note. Cesar smoke puros some rituals and recited his prayers and invocations Maya.

Cesar smoke pure

The chapel is led by some Maya, "butlers" of Maximon. It 'easy-going and gentle, with a heart of gold. Caesar offers him a glass of aguardiente. Accepted moved by the gesture of friendship. My priest friend then asks permission to sing some song to me Maximon (I have my guitar with me just in case). The "butlers" declare themselves delighted to have some music for their saint.

pull out the instrument, the agreement with great care (it seems disrespectful to play tune) and attack the first song. Singing one, two, three songs ... The "butlers" are excited and clap their hands. Perhaps San Simon is enjoying himself: I take photos Cesar e. .. voila! They look the other manifestaciónes espirituales dancing the rhythm of my music.

Choral Maximon, and manifestaciónes espirituales appear again in the photos ...

a manifestación espiritual larger

An important note: for years I always use the same digital camera, a 10.2-megapixel Kodak. However, these "bubbles transparent" only appeared in photos taken in the cave and Nimalaji Cofradia Maximon chapel of San Jorge (who is near them). The light conditions of the cave are very different from those of the chapel of Cofradia. The only thing in common is energy, because in the places to worship ambedure Maximon / San Simon.

After the pilgrimage, let Sololá, lunch and take yet another bus to return to the home of Cesar.

What a day guys!

After the party at Rosa's place, I go and stay with Cesar for a couple of nights. He lives in Santiago Sacatepéquez, not too far from Guatemala city. Cesar lives in a small house with a wonderful garden, together with his wife and their six children.

Next morning we go to an ancient Mayan holy site, the cave of Nimalaji (which means "Big House"). There the Mayans have been celebrating their rituals for hundreds or thousands of years! Now the cave is a site for the worship of Maximon/San Simon.

We catch a bus to Los Encuentros, and from there another couple of buses to Sololá and San Jorge la Laguna.
We walk for a while in a bush, and we reach the ancient cave. Inside we can easily feel a tremendous energy.

This is an INCREDIBLE site! With the help of two small Mayan children Cesar prepares our ritual fire. It is another cerimony to Maximon, to open my way and help me in my work as a spiritual healer.

I take many pictures, and in some of them appear some strange "bubbles". Up to now, I never had such a thing with my camera. Cesar informs me that these are the "spirits" of the place. They actually look like the bubbles in the photos and videos of the "ghost busters".

On top of that, some strange human or animal shapes appear in the ritual fire... WOW!

At the end of the cerimony we visit another altar of Maximon in the woods, and after that we go to Maximon's chapel, in the Cofradia of San Jorge.

Cesar smokes some ritual puros, and we offer aguardiente, candles and some cash to the Saint.

I am asked to sing some songs to Maximon. I tune my guitar and start. The servants of the chapel (some very nice Mayan gentlemen) enjoy it the most. Probably also Maximon and the Spirits of the place like my songs: Cesar takes a picture of me singing in the chapel, and other "bubbles" appear...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Visible Capillaries On Breasts

La Fiesta de Doña Rosa

the curandera Maya Rosa Alvarez

October 23

My friend Rosa invited me to his house for the Fiesta birthday Maximon / San Simon.

Before you go take some precautions: a taxi driver informed me that the area where my friend lives curandera (a colony just outside the popular Ciudad de Guatemala) is definitely "dangerous." In fact, many taxi drivers refuse to bring customers in that location, because long ago two of their colleagues were happily taken a revolver from the festive locals. Moral of the story: I went back to the store with taxis riddled all beautiful and a mad desire to change professions ...

I then wearing only the money necessary, I leave the hotel credit cards and passport, and I carry around an identity card with the card inside of my hotel.

But what are, in general, the precautions to take when visiting Central America? Well, apart from the usual stuff (not to attend dangerous neighborhoods at night, do not show off rolex from 15,000 €, not wearing jewelry on him, etc.. Etc..) Things I do to avoid the troubles are mainly two:

1) always good to look where you step, because the roads and sidewalks are full of very deep holes, and it risks distorting or a fracture every three steps (and this is not a joke!)

2) in the bus I do not ever sit behind the driver. Just in case it has not paid protection money to the local mafia, you may speak with him to share the generous bursts of gunfire that the henchmen of the neighborhood boss sent him a gift. So I sit in the middle of the bus, so in case of armed aggression not participate in the fiesta first-person ...

Thankfully the taxi driver who takes me da Rosa is not afraid, and eventually managed to miraculously find my friend's house, passing through hills and dirt roads full of potholes.

the street where Rose lives

reaching his destination, I am welcomed joyfully by the family of Rose, a handful of children and six grandchildren. People smile and bright eyes that exude happiness. The pipinara is unleashed, and the children play and enjoy a world.

Rosa hugs me with joy, we met last May in San Andrés Itzapa, when he celebrated the first ceremony for me Maya of my life.

Now here she is celebrating the birthday of Maximon, the ancient Mayan gods disguised as a Christian saint (San Simon). In fact, the feast of St. Simon will be October 28, but Rose has a few days earlier.

Do to my friend the bottle of whiskey I brought a gift to the Saint celebrated, and she leads me into the room where he had his espiritual mesa, the altar with statues of Maximon / San Simon.

the altar Rosa

understand the fly serving the bid and ask the curandera to send one of his grandchildren to buy some things for me. I stretch a note to a child of the house, and that after a while back with fruit and cigarettes.

I put some bills in your pocket the dress of a statue of Rosa Maximon and put the fruit and cigarettes on the altar. He introduces me to "his" Holy << hermanito San Simon, this is our friend Federico. E 'come to see you from afar. We brought the whiskey, cigarettes, fruit and cash offer. Please, in the name of Almighty God (of Heaven Corazon Corazon de la Tierra y), protect it and protect his journey in life, protect his family and friends. Protect your work, protect it from enemies and the health, prosperity and joy. Let's not miss anything ... >>.

From behind a shoulder of the largest statue of the Holy peeps a mouse: he looks at me puzzled and I watch it dismayed. Obviously it is a house mouse, because Rose did not pay the slightest attention. The curandera

Sactic Cesar introduces me, a friend of his Mayan priest who celebrated the ritual with her.

the Maya priest Cesar Cesar Sactic

he looks nice and friendly. I am inspired confidence immediately.

ask permission from the priest and wearing my bandana Maya.

The ceremony today is twofold: a fire limpia (cleansing) followed by a fire security and prosperity. The two officiating prepare the first ritual, putting on the ground balls of copal resin.

the copal to the first sacrificial fire

Cesar Rosa and prepare the first fire. The participants (including me) and rub all over the body of black and white candles, the sigaroni (here called pure ) and fresh eggs. This is the ritual of limpia, spiritual purification.

step, the pure on my aura

Grandma Rosa makes a limpia on all her grandchildren

While officiating recite the prayers in the Mayan language, we fire the candles, puros and eggs that we rubbed on the body

the first sacrificial fire

All they start smoking puros. Eventually I give in and turn one was me. In short, an age-old ritual is well worth a sigarone, no? Problem: I am 28 years that I do not smoke, and I run the risk of really put me to puke like a baby in a boat on rough seas.

Rosa corrupts and I smoke the pure

mercifully For me the coup de grace, Rosa I brings a nice cool glass of cola. Sipped some and I realize too late that is cut with the rum. I am 28 years that I do not drink alcohol, and now I run the risk that I bring back to the hotel by ambulance.

My head begins to spin, turn, turn ... between nicotine and rum soaked spittle of twenty centimeters long and I'm afraid to go KO. Eventually, though, the powerful energy generated by the ceremony to sustain me and I can not end up horizontal. Back shiny without any problem.

smoke in front of the pure the sacrificial fire

Così fan tutte ...

... and so does Rose

meditating before the fire (Very difficult to say: me back to the hotel in an ambulance or be able to give me a behavior? )

After the first part of the ceremony, passing to the preparation and when the second fire, the security and prosperity.

the preparation of the second fire

fire security and prosperity

fire on

Cesar Rosa and pray before the fire

Rosa asked me to sing some song. I take the guitar and the usual attack Pinch Tarantata. Oh well, maybe this has nothing to do with a pipe ceremony Maya, but basically this is a ritual dance, no? However, people like, and I hope you like it also celebrated, hermanito San Simon :-)!

singing for Maximon (1)

singing for Maximon (2)

Rosa creates a circle of energy

At this point, goes to his curandera mesa espiritual and take a statue of San Simon.

Rosa San Simon

door knob, one by one around the fire, puffing censer with incense and praying for our personal matters.

Cesar and the censer

in my little I give him down too ...

the birthday: Happy Birthday San Simon!

by your curanderos Maya

by your friend coming from far away ...

by the grandchildren of Rose ...

... and by all de er cucuzzaro !

The ceremony comes to an end. A great demand for public pick up the guitar and singing "Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday San Simon."

Let the group photo, then have lunch.

two curanderos Maya and a parking Roman

family photos

Rosa word spread that the practical sanacion . Ouch! Ouch! It forms the usual row of ailments that you want to be treated. We work one on one and take off a bit of pain ... I think I finished when word spread that I read the cards well. He formed another line, and I have to immerse myself suddenly in the usual mess of others (love, luck, money, health ...). Last but not least: I risbattono guitar in hand and I say in the Mayan language is << pija guitar and Sing us what you are 'disgrace. Laughing faces, so that six bono does just that and you coast gniente nun! >>.

the end and I greet you all away with Cesar. Tonight I will sleep at his home and tomorrow we will go together to visit a cave loooong special ...

The Mayan curandera Rosa Alvarez invites me at her place for a birthday party in honor of Maximon / San Simon. She lives in the countryside outside Ciudad de Guatemala, with Several children and a sweet gang of grandchildren. I just love them!

Rose shows me the altar of the house and intriduces me to "her San Simon". Following the Mayan tradition, I offer to the Saint whiskey, fruits, cigarettes and a bit of cash.

I meet the Mayan priest Cesar Sactic, invited by Rosa for the ritual.

Today we have a double Mayan ritual: a fire to cleans ourselves and a second fire for protection and prosperity. Before the ritual we pass candles, cigars and eggs on our bodies, to perform a "limpia" (spiritual cleansing). After that, we offer those items to the fire, to feed it.

We smoke "puros" and offer incense, while the two curanderos recite their prayers.

They ask me to sing some songs, and I do my best with my voice and guitar.

The energy is VERY STRONG! At the end we sing "Happy Birthday to You" to San Simon and have lunch.

Rosa asks me to heal some people with my hands-on work, and at the end they look happy!

Time to go: tonight I will stay at Cesar´s place: tomorrow we will visit a very special Mayan cave...