il Dott. José e i suoi primi passi con il pendolo
21 e 22 ottobre
Goes round and round, here I am to teach magnetism Ciudad de Guatemala. The situation is profoundly different from the one I lived in Nicaragua instead of the happy brigade of students and Scarrupata caciaroni, here's my class is composed of a distinguished family of four highly educated. In practice, this course is a "private", but the students are excellent and have many cards in hand to really change lives for the better of their country.
One of them is a physician, Dr. Jose. I teach them to use the pendulum, and I feel excited now :-)!
Maria measure his vital magnetism
The magnetism of this seminar program also works well as a preparatory course of dowsing. After my usual relaxation exercises, grounding, centering and the like, can I test that everyone has his own magnetism, and then continue with the usual exercises of Servranx.
magnetization exercise with your hands (1)
magnetization exercise with your hands (2)
magnetization exercise with your hands ( 3)
exercise of magnetization with the look
exercise of autosuggestion
After these exercises teach students how to magnetize a distance
treatment radionic of magnetism with the help of the graph of the "diamond"
Then I magnetize water in various ways. The results are excellent: these four people are really smart!
Doña Estrella magnetized water with the breath
Dr. José magnetize the water with his eyes
Flavio magnetize the water with their hands
Let the magnetization "in contact" I teach them something from my repertoire of hands-on healer
magnetization "in contact" (1)
magnetization "in contact" (2)
magnetization "in contact" (3)
magnetization "in contact" (4)
magnetization "in contact" (5)
magnetization "in contact" (6)
At this point I explain the technique Handshaking of the native North American
handshaking (1)
handshaking (2)
handshaking (3)
handshaking (4)
Maria magnetize a specimen of a lot of sack craft
Maria runs a company that sells and commissions, with the formula of fair trade, handicraft products of various indigenous peoples. Wishing to magnetize an entire batch of rag dolls, I suggest to work only one in the form of witness / sample, and then see what happens. The results are excellent and in no time Mary has magnetized all the puppets in the game.
collective work with the techniques of Raymon Grace
conclude the seminar teaching techniques Raymon Grace. We work collectively a project and the students are enthusiastic.
Thus ends my course of Magnetism in Ciudad de Guatemala.
Tomorrow I am invited by doña Rosa Alvarez, my friend curandera Maya held with other curanderos a ritual for a birthday party at his house. He asked me to participate, complete with pendulums and the guitar ;-). I am honored!
Here I am, teaching Human Magnetism in Ciudad de Guatemala. Here the situation is quite different from Managua: I only have four pupils, members of a very distinguished family of this city. They are very good and motivated. Their purpose is to learn these techniques and spread them in Guatemala.
Before starting with the usual training (magnetizing a variety of diagrams), I teach them how to dowse with a pendulum. They learn very easily. Later I show them how to magnetize a glass of water and how to broadcast a distant magnetic healing . Everything goes for the best: they are GOOD!
A part of the seminar is dedicated to the hands-on healing, So They learn the basic techniques and Heal Each Other. I finish with a collective work with Raymon Grace's techniques.
One of them is a physician, Dr. Jose. I teach them to use the pendulum, and I feel excited now :-)!
Maria measure his vital magnetism
The magnetism of this seminar program also works well as a preparatory course of dowsing. After my usual relaxation exercises, grounding, centering and the like, can I test that everyone has his own magnetism, and then continue with the usual exercises of Servranx.
magnetization exercise with your hands (1)
magnetization exercise with your hands (2)
magnetization exercise with your hands ( 3)
exercise of magnetization with the look
exercise of autosuggestion
After these exercises teach students how to magnetize a distance
treatment radionic of magnetism with the help of the graph of the "diamond"
Then I magnetize water in various ways. The results are excellent: these four people are really smart!
Doña Estrella magnetized water with the breath
Dr. José magnetize the water with his eyes
Flavio magnetize the water with their hands
Let the magnetization "in contact" I teach them something from my repertoire of hands-on healer
magnetization "in contact" (1)
magnetization "in contact" (2)
magnetization "in contact" (3)
magnetization "in contact" (4)
magnetization "in contact" (5)
magnetization "in contact" (6)
At this point I explain the technique Handshaking of the native North American
handshaking (1)
handshaking (2)
handshaking (3)
handshaking (4)
Maria magnetize a specimen of a lot of sack craft
Maria runs a company that sells and commissions, with the formula of fair trade, handicraft products of various indigenous peoples. Wishing to magnetize an entire batch of rag dolls, I suggest to work only one in the form of witness / sample, and then see what happens. The results are excellent and in no time Mary has magnetized all the puppets in the game.
collective work with the techniques of Raymon Grace
conclude the seminar teaching techniques Raymon Grace. We work collectively a project and the students are enthusiastic.
Thus ends my course of Magnetism in Ciudad de Guatemala.
Tomorrow I am invited by doña Rosa Alvarez, my friend curandera Maya held with other curanderos a ritual for a birthday party at his house. He asked me to participate, complete with pendulums and the guitar ;-). I am honored!
Here I am, teaching Human Magnetism in Ciudad de Guatemala. Here the situation is quite different from Managua: I only have four pupils, members of a very distinguished family of this city. They are very good and motivated. Their purpose is to learn these techniques and spread them in Guatemala.
Before starting with the usual training (magnetizing a variety of diagrams), I teach them how to dowse with a pendulum. They learn very easily. Later I show them how to magnetize a glass of water and how to broadcast a distant magnetic healing . Everything goes for the best: they are GOOD!
A part of the seminar is dedicated to the hands-on healing, So They learn the basic techniques and Heal Each Other. I finish with a collective work with Raymon Grace's techniques.
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