Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mortgage Agent Resume


three Requinteros in concert

18, 19 and 20 October

finished the second level of Radionics, I prepare for a grueling bus trip from Nicaragua to Guatemala: 17 hours in a row, if all goes well.

Don Rafael and Carmencita lead to eating in a restaurant from the air to say the least suspicious. It 's a true amended: there is a hell of casino players and three Requinto (a small guitar with 6 strings) play and sing (or rather, shouting) the Nicaraguan folk songs of the repertoire. Although the room is primarily outdoors, the noise is so extreme that to make a call on her cell phone I'm putting in the toilet ...

Well, I enjoy a bang :-)!

The menu, typical Nicaraguan, is lightweight, lightweight stuff Malatina.

the pot in the foreground is my light dinner. That stuff is black pudding ...

dinner Carmencita ...

... and that of Don Rafael

finished his spree, Rafael brings me to his house to rest a moment and let me shower. He will leave the excess baggage, so as not to go to Guatemala as an ass load

At two o'clock in the morning this precious, generous and faithful friend brings me to the bus terminal. Birth to three. You go to Guatemala!

traveling to Guatemala

The bus is comfortable, with reclining seats, air conditioning, bathroom, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks different. Pear, you can never ...

Eventually the ultimate step and fly to Guatemala City . CHEERS :-)!!!

Here I came to Ciudad de Guatemala

Father Pacheco, my Jesuit friend, I was at the station and takes me in his parish. Spend the night here one night and then move into ' Hostal de Don Pedro , a nice hotel in one of the city.

Breakfast at ' Hostal de Don Pedro

This room gives me a great freedom, and allows me to visit beautiful things in the city.

Plaza Mayor de la Constitución

Cathedral of Ciudad de Guatemala

the dome of the cathedral

Traffic police work

teaches mural of a center of the party . Look how naive lover's painting depicting the mother, the obstetrician and the baby hanging by one foot, upside down like a lamb ... ah! ah! ah! :-)!

A lterno relax the preparation dei prossimi seminari. Tutto procede per il meglio e il morale è alle stelle . La ciurma (io) e il Capitano (sempre io) sono in perfetto accordo, e sul galeone di Radionica Senza Frontiere regna l'armonia.

After the seminar I go and have dinner with Carmencita and don Rafael. The restaurant is very noisy and the all situation rather suspicious. Three "requinteros" play and sing (or better, scream) a variety of Nicaraguan folk songs. To make a call with my cell phone I have to lock myself in the toilet: the noise outside is too loud. I just love this place :-)!

At 2:00 am I go with don Rafael to the bus station, at 3:00am I leave for a 17 hour journey to Guatemala. The bus is comfortable and the trip smooth, but 17 hours are 17 hours...

I arrive in Guatemala City in the evening. My Jesuit friend P. Pacheco its waiting for me at the station. He brings me to his place, where I spend the night.

Next day I move to a nice hotel in the Zona 1. The location is right in the center of the city, so I can easily visit some beautiful spots.

Everything goes for the best, and both the crew (me) and the Captain (me again) are extremely pleased with the situation.


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