Monday, January 24, 2011

Ap Biology Hardy Weingberg

Quiet, fourth "station", the second water

Passiamo ora allo stadio successivo, che è quello della ‘quiete’.

Questa tappa intermedia del percorso si caratterizza, come dice il termine che la designa, per una notevole ‘ sospensione delle potenze’ . In realtà, However, the only one that is really quiet and no longer subject to distractions and emotions (in the traditional language ' will' ), because, without any effort, is focused on the object contemplated. This state of grace is a sense of fullness and peace, not disturbed by the fact that thoughts and memories ('intellect' and 'memory') continue to occupy the mind, but lets attention pass without stopping and without turning away from ' subject covered. It is therefore already a very special status to which many are able to reach, as Teresa says, even though few manage to to head over. What is needed, however, is a bit 'self-confidence, "a humble and holy presumption " of success. 9 But the event certainly does not end in the fullness of peace and said that it would be very little if it were only sporadic, removed from everyday life. What really makes it valuable is the function of purification involved and on which much insists Teresa

The water here contains the Lord bestows favor and precious treasures, and to grow in virtue so incomparably greater than not in the previous state. The soul must shed its miseries and gaining some knowledge the delights of heaven. It seems to me that this face more progress ... At this point, you lose the greed of earthly things, until no longer find any pleasure in them ... I think not so much happiness in the joys of the earth. In them there is always something that contrasts, but here there is that happy. 10
Water alluded to here belongs to Teresa aforementioned metaphor. At this stage, the effort is much smaller because the gardener uses a wheel through which draws more easily. So this is an exercise that gradually refines the inner life, without having to make an effort in this sense. The effort, that is, exercise is not aimed at this or that virtue, but focuses nell''orazione ', after which the virtues make their way in the heart, as a natural consequence dell''orazione' itself. Discussed below in this regard:

I believe that many souls fall into the mistake of pretending to fly before the Lord give them wings ... They begin with great fervor and desire, absolutely determined to make progress in virtue ... but get discouraged when they see things more perfect God-given to those who are farther ... or just read in the books of prayer and contemplation to rise to such dignity must make things that they do not have the strength to practice. The books, for example, they teach not to care if anyone speaks ill of us, but to enjoy it, rather than of praise, not to estimate the honor, to break away from the relatives to feel disgusted to be with them unless are of prayer, and the like, in my opinion, are a pure gift of God, because supernatural or contrary to our natural inclinations ... These souls do not grieve, but have confidence in God and continue in prayer .... 11

Teresa discovered here on his own something that was well known to the mystical tradition. Just think of Margaret Porete, which was burnt in the fourteenth century for argued that spiritual practice can not begin the pursuit of virtue, but love for the ultimate goal, namely the unit. In general, the whole controversy antiquietista the church is based on the concern, very little mystical, inner stillness that precede the exercise of virtue may degenerate into shape (actually not uncommon, although marginal and deviant, in the history spiritual movements) of antinomianism and immorality.

NOTE 9. S. Teresa of Jesus, Works, Rome , general postulation OCD, 1997, pp. 956s ., P. 125.
10. Ib., P. 142.
11. Ib., Pp. 311s.


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