Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rihannas Gun Tattoo What Does It Mean

Cursed be the time when a people is the blind led by a bunch of crazy, "

" Warum? - Hier ist kein Warum ! "

Why is one of the first questions of humanity.
This question implies the presence of reason, the curiosity to discover the world, and is a communication tool.
When you answer the simple "why" with a sentence like "here is not because" we are facing a complex situation: the lack of communication. But when a person is in a strange and hostile environment, this answer does not mean only the absence of communication, but also a threat, an insult, a break violent relationships with the world, the distrust of an application and, generally, in his own right.
So he felt when he met Primo Levi's experience of the concentration camp of Auschwitz. Fortunately or unfortunately - as the writer himself would have thought - there was only imprisoned for ten months, until January 1945 when the liberation came. But only after nine months in a difficult journey and absurd (with long stops in Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Austria) came home in his Turin, where he was born in 1919 into a family of Italian Jews, and where, following the family tradition, said the chemical from the age of 24 years. After learning
by the journal Defence of the Race "which had begun the hunt for Jews, Primo Levi, he joined a group of partisans of the Val d'Aosta, but was soon found and arrested. He was taken first to the field of Carpi-Fossoli and after three months he was transferred, along with 650 people to the concentration camp of Auschwitz-Monowitz.

Young Levi did not speak German and to establish a minimum with this environment ever uttered the simple question, "Warum" [because] the only word he knew. But the answer was always the same: "Hier ist kein Warum" [Here there is no why].

All Jews were separated from their wives and children and forced to live the cruel fate of an era that had no choice.
All Jews became the häftlingen [inmates], without being guilty, under a Social Democrat. They had lost their families, women, children and even their identities. In the concentration camps were identified by the number that was printed on their hands and will remain an indelible mark for life. But what life? Most had given up thinking that there would be a way out of hell. In fact, the man with no identity, what he has lost everything, you can easily get lost. Easier still is to kill, steal and betray in such conditions, because the individual identity without losing any feeling except fear. Fear and hatred were the only feelings that lived in this reality.
Levi, intellectual, sensitive, seeks in any case, to maintain their humanity with the risk, however, of losing their lives. It is very difficult to remain a man in this universe where you are surrounded by their own similar reduced to the condition of animals.

A day for healing a wound in his leg, was taken to the infirmary called Ka-Be, "In this Ka-Be, parentheses, relative peace, I learned that our personalities were very fragile, which was more exposed to danger of life itself. " Suffering more for the sick because "this interlude of relative peace" with the thought to take them home, family and hunger that tormented everyone. And here also reflected the hope of living, that hope which does more harm than the disease itself, "We shall not return. No one should get out, no one who can bring to the world, with a sign printed in the flesh, the terrifying news of what the human mind could make humans in Auschwitz. "

In a concentration camp, despite existing laws imposed by others, you live in a society that grows gradually and that the other shows that evil is within each of us belongs to us as the heart, and that's it very little to dimostrarlo. Coloro che sanno mentire, rubare e ammazzare per un pezzo di pane sono considerati i più forti e vengono rispettati non solo dai detenuti ma anche dagli oppressori. La lotta per sopravvivere prende il sopravvento: se la cava chi usa mezzi disonesti per vivere, chi invece non sa farlo si condanna da solo alla morte. Se non riesci difendere il tuo pezzo di pane col prezzo delle tue pochissime ore di sonno, morirai di fame. Se non riesci a difendere i tuoi vestiti e le tue scarpe, morirai di freddo.

Per Levi, l’unico modo per sopravvivere era recitare e tradurre a un francese i versi dell’Inferno dantesco. Così ricordava il suo Paese, la sua lingua, la sua identità e, soprattutto, il fatto di essere rimasto man until the end "until the day when the word tomorrow will be meaningless."

interesting is the fact that Levi in \u200b\u200bhis book does not condemn the oppressors, but to his peers that, through silence, they get the hell on earth.
This novel, written immediately after the experience of the concentration camp, is not necessarily the story of the facts but is, above all, the story of a suffering experienced, the transformation of men in work tools.

In 1986, a year before taking his own life, Primo Levi warned "The Nazi concentration camp system remains unique for the quantity and performance. Nowhere, at no time, we witnessed a phenomenon as complex and unpredictable. Never so many lives have been destroyed in such a short time and with such a diabolical combination of technological ingenuity, fanaticism and cruelty. It happened, so it can happen again. This is the essence of what I wanted to say ".

But so, as we have hope, we also have oblivion, but we should never forget the mistakes that give rise to the horrors.

Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize, said in a speech: "There ask where was God in Auschwitz, ask yourself but where was the man! Forget, be silent, be indifferent to everything that is surrounding us are some of the greatest sins .

Primo Levi, Italo Calvino called "one of the most important writers of the twentieth century and have" committed suicide in 1987. Before his death he wrote: " suicide is specific to humans, not animals . In other words, suicide is an act of thought, an option, by instinct far, far away from nature.


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