Auschwitz. A tough name, the "z" hisses and makes final terror, which sets in motion a wave of reactions and thoughts. A place icon of so many other death camps, where it is consumed the most gloomy and atrocious barbarism of history.
A tragedy that still inspires fear and anxiety, causing anger and dismay, that digs into us to ask new and old questions, to blow hard on the strings of history in general, and those still in the closest " our "history, the history of each of us living in this world because ... the stranger, the different, the 'other' in general are close to us, is our joy, but often our hell, our torment ... our enemy

"A lot of individuals or peoples, can happen to believe
more or less consciously,
that "every stranger is an enemy."
For the most part this conviction lies deep in hearts
as a latent infection;
only occurs in sporadic and uncoordinated acts,
and is not the basis for a system of thought.
But when this happens, when the dogma
becomes unexpressed major premise of a syllogism
, then at the end of the chain, is the
Lager. It is the product of a conception of the world
scope of its consequences with strict
consistency: as long as the conception subsists, the consequences
threaten us. The field history of destruction
should be understood by all as a
left signal of danger ". (Primo Levi)
However, you must deal with the Holocaust without retracting his eyes, even horrified, disgusted, terrified: it is the cruelty of history, coupled with its complexity and violence of man by man to be probed, known, made a gesture and word, action and memory alive and strong, knowing that certain experiences of pain does not communicate, or certainly not communicate with words. Nothing that happened in those places and at that time to be silent. Never.
As written in Isaiah 56.5: " give in my house and within my walls a place and a name ... I will give them an everlasting name that will never be erased . The term " place" should be understood here as a monument, a witness's memory. ... That in our hearts so there is this place, this monument. May this day which we live "witness memory" to remember and transmit all: the places, the stories of the innocent, the Saints and the Righteous Among the Nations, children, Jews, Slavs and Gypsies, women and old people, homosexuals, deformed, and the survivors of the murderers of the dead. Other.
Telling everything, especially to our children
this is the abyss in which it is able to precipitate the man, every man, this is the risk of feeling the other, the different, an "enemy." However, it should be recalled and then the memory of what has been giving a direction to memory, because it remains a tale of stale or celebratory events occurred, places visited, why not become moral or even worse, a cold rhetoric such as "... remember why never happens again. " And if memory is the possible consequence of the trivialization, the price of forgetting is much higher. Let us not therefore brothers all attitudes do not translate into expressions of thought, because the memory
know and become transformed into a living organism, making perspective, because the best way to remember is to build. Why Love alone creates (Fr Maximilian Kolbe).
Thanks, then, if all you readers of this issue of the Sycamore - the fact of our experience and small notes on the inner turmoil experienced by surviving witnesses - you'll want to take a respectful homage to all victims of the extermination camps, and dignity of a people whose election continues today.
A memory is not sterile, fertile and present a memory of all victims, six million Jews dead, murdered, massacred.
our "elder brothers".
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