listen as she speaks:
Here there is a feeling, that of joy, without knowing that. It feels good to enjoy which has in itself all good, but without understanding. All the senses are absorbed in this joy, and no one can deal with other things, whether inside or outside ... I would add that if you merge all the powers, the soul can not deal with anything, not even wanting it. Indeed, if it could, it would merge ... 12
It is therefore a state of total absorption, or ecstasy, which lasts no more than a half hour and not always with the same intensity, because the 'power' of the soul tends to take precedence, even if they are ever again silenced by the power which alone remains in the idle state, that is the will, 13 as we have already seen. The metaphors describing the sixth Teresian 'station' are those of the 'engagement' and 'fourth water', that is the rain that comes to the decision of the sky, without the gardener makes little effort to procure it, also similar to a ' wave, irresistibly carrying a boat. Since this station ecstatic phenomena are linked more amazing, it happens that many know S. Teresa only this, with serious effects on the real value of his teaching. The Vannini, although not particularly like the kind of mystic Teresa (perhaps only, as we believe, by some strange misunderstanding), 14 rightly points out that the Carmelite order, and the Catholic Church generally, have contributed significantly to overestimate the miraculous and the extraordinary phenomena, as if to indicate that they consist only of the typical Teresa. This will repeat the traditional operation of the ecclesiastical institution to put the mystical, in general, as something that only affects those who are privileged to be a very special grace, that very few elected officials and not the other, declaring that, by implication, the essential futility of any such practice, because not necessary for salvation. And this is not mitigated, if not in appearance, from having said Teresa 'doctor' of the church. It almost seems that the institution refuses to assess the importance of practice dell''orazione ', which seems to be the true' doctorate 'Teresa, would now for the very survival of the spiritual church in the modern world, beyond the successes purely media.
Teresa It is, moreover, to let us note that the phenomena themselves are not important, which indeed could be misleading (coming from the devil and not God, He also tells how Vincent Ferrer, English no less and no less holy Teresa), to be linked to unhealthy psychic phenomena, such as 'possessions ' . But aside from the explicit statement to that effect, much more striking that the 'station' ecstatic union does not represent the maximum degree of the route, but it is only the second to last, the sixth. 15 Since you do not speak clearly another step in life, Teresa finished writing 17 years before his death, it is possible that she did not become fully aware of this additional 'station' until you have completed the autobiography, but it is certain that it dedicate, in the Interior Castle, all the space it deserves as the seventh and supreme, being at the center of the castle, which is the soul, where resides the very presence of God
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