This phase is characterized by very little effort and, in relation to the metaphor of water, is compared to the ease with which the gardener to leave a channel that will irrigate a garden or in another metaphor very dear Teresa, at the first meeting in a relationship between two lovers. Here you can talk with greater accuracy 'sleep of the faculties', even if you are not yet a complete sleep. The patterns are in fact present as' butterflies night ', so do not disturb almost any concentration, but what is most characteristic is that we are witnessing the presence of a dual system, so to speak. On one hand, it benefits from the suspension and the rule of silence and stillness deep linked to it, but then it is possible, if you will, to lead the activities of ordinary life without that state is disrupted. It is a prelude, you might say, at the end of the path, ie a situation in which the change occurred so deep that all life, not just certain times, are lit and accompanied by the continued presence of the Spirit, as we shall see. This causes che, a ben guardare, la successiva ‘stazione’, quella dell’estasi e dei rapimenti, non si può propriamente considerare uno sviluppo di questa, ma forse solo l’approfondimento di un aspetto, quello del silenzio. Un silenzio, però, che si manifesta solo in situazioni particolari, al riparo dalle attività comuni della vita e che perciò è ben lontano dal rappresentare la meta finale.
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